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AI Tech

Will We All Be Out of Work? Elon Musk Says AI Might Make Jobs Optional

Hold onto your hats, because tech mogul Elon Musk has a prediction for the future of work, and it’s a doozy. According to Musk, artificial intelligence (AI) is on track to take over most jobs, potentially rendering them “optional.” This doesn’t necessarily mean a dystopian future where robots are our overlords (although some might disagree). […]


AI recreates new fan chants for the new Premier League season

Chants sung on matchdays are powerful in that they can unite fans far and wide while providing a force of support for teams, with chants like “Glory Glory Man United” and “You’ll Never Walk Alone” bellowed from the stands each week. With the Premier League season due to wrap up this weekend, teams will rely more on fan support […]


The Role of AI and Machine Learning in Enhancing Business Cybersecurity

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning rank among the latest technological advancements to see an increased role in cybersecurity. Living in the digital age, the cultural and business landscapes sometimes feel like they are moving under our very feet. For example, the notion of a thought-generating machine was a sci-fi fantasy popularized in the original […]


The Double-Edged Sword: How Risky is Artificial Intelligence?

Photo by Igor Omilaev on Unsplash Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming our world, but like any powerful technology, it carries both immense potential and undeniable risks. As AI systems become more sophisticated, it’s crucial to grapple with the question: just how risky is this game-changing technology? The Dangers Lurking in the Code Bias and […]


Google’s AI Search Revolution Comes with a Price Tag

Photo by Rajeshwar Bachu on Unsplash Get ready to open your wallets for those extra-smart search results. Google, the search engine giant, is reportedly exploring ways to monetize its powerful AI-powered search technology. What This Means While Google’s basic search might remain free, those seeking the most cutting-edge, AI-enhanced answers could soon face a subscription […]


AI creates Easter meal for <£3 a head!

With Easter fast approaching, the search volume for “Easter Meal” has rocketed 533% over the past month! While many are googling budget-friendly Easter ideas, AI can be your new friend to save your money this year! Christoph Cemper, on behalf of AIPRM, provides five tips on how to utilise artificial intelligence to save money this […]


AI Emotions: Not Just Sci-Fi Anymore

Photo by cottonbro studio For years, discussions of artificial intelligence (AI) have conjured images of hyper-intelligent machines outsmarting humanity – think Skynet and HAL 9000. But what if AI’s next major milestone isn’t greater intellectual prowess, but rather something far more human: emotions? The Science of Synthetic Feelings Researchers are delving deeper into affective computing, […]

AI Tech

3 Popular Assessments of Companies Algorithm Creation

Over recent times, the pressure and demand on companies to automize and evolve their services and procedures has increased tenfold. Behind the rise in automization is without a doubt AI, powered by algorithms developed by programmers and machine learning models. Programming and developing via AI practices has become an extremely competitive field due to the […]


How Sentiment Is Impacting Traders

With trading growing in popularity and a host of tools, strategies and insights playing a major role in investments, it can be difficult to ascertain what to use to help boost endeavours. Right now, market sentiment is climbing the ranks in worthwhile analysis methods, as it works to gain a general idea of the attitude […]

AI Tech

Image Annotation Guide For Beginners

Image annotation is the process of training image recognition models via deep learning in order to assign an accurate label to an image. Training a model for such a purpose can help alleviate some of the labor intensive responsibilities from carrying out the task manually. What is image recognition? Image recognition is the innovative ability […]