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Creating A Pet-Friendly Garden

1 min

Pet-Friendly Garden

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Having your own garden can be a great way to relax and enjoy some time outdoors. But if you have a pet, it’s important to make sure that your garden is a safe and comfortable place for them too. Here’s some advice on how to create a pet-friendly garden.

Provide Shade

If your garden is exposed to direct sunlight, then you’ll need to provide enough shade for your pet. This will help them stay cool and comfortable, and avoid excessive sun exposure. Depending on how much shade you’ll need, you can either install a canopy or some large trees and shrubs. You can also create an outdoor indoor space with a summer house by Woodpro so that both your pets and your children get a break occasionally from the sun.

Create Comfort

For added comfort, you can give your pet their own area in the garden. This could be an area with soft grass, or even some cushions or pet beds. You should also provide plenty of bedding, blankets, and toys so that your pet can make their own little corner of the garden as comfortable as possible. Wooden gazebos can also be a really comfortable place which would also greatly enhance the looks of your garden.

Plant Carefully

It’s important to be aware of any plants and shrubs that may be toxic to your pet. Avoiding any plants that are poisonous or have sharp thorns is essential for ensuring your pet’s safety. You can also opt for artificial plants or, if you do have live plants, make sure they’re out of reach.

Keep Items Out of Reach

Make sure any tools or chemicals in your garden are out of reach of your pet. This is especially important if your pet is a curious one. Placing items in sheds or lock-up containers can help prevent your pet from getting into anything harmful.

Play Time

Giving your pet plenty of time to play in the garden is great for their physical and mental wellbeing. To keep them entertained, you can give them interactive toys and even a swimming pool if you have the space.

Creating a pet-friendly garden is not just a way to show your pet how much you care, it’s also important for their health and safety. By following these tips, your pet can have a safe and comfortable place to explore and play in the garden.

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